01237 421985 



Desk based research following initial enquiry, looking at online planning history and planning policy documents. The result of which will advise the next steps. 


We can advise on what can be achieved on any given site, and the chances of success. Depending on the nature of the site, our appraisal is likely to cover the planning history of a site, a review of site constraints and the relationship to Planning Policy, along with a clear strategy for taking a site forward. 


We can advise in respect of those cases where it would be worthwhile seeking formal pre-application advice from the Local Planning Authority prior to submission of a formal planning application. Whilst most Local Authorities now charge for this service, the advice received can sometimes help to avoid incurring unnecessary costs or provide appropriate guidance on the form and content of planning applications associated with more complex proposals. This process can also include a meeting with the Local Planning Authority. Generally, the more information that can be provided at this early stage, the more beneficial the feedback received from the Local Planning Authority although we can advise on the level of information that would be appropriate in each individual case. 


Necessary checks for those wishing to find out if their home enjoys permitted development rights. 


Recent legislation has introduced new procedures which allow the conversion of barns, offices and commercial premises into other uses including houses. Such applications require an in depth knowledge of the legislation and case law that underpins it. When prepared professionally these applications can be a route to success where planning policy would normally make such schemes unacceptable. 
Part 3 of the General Permitted Development Order, in Classes A to V, makes provision for a range of changes of use, including from retail, office, employment and agricultural uses to residential. 


The General Permitted Development Order allows for certain agricultural works to be undertaken without the need for planning permission. In all cases. However, there is a requirement for a prior notification to be sent to the relevant Local Authority. In some cases, the Local Authority will require further details, which will result in the need for a Prior Approval application to be submitted. 


Every planning proposal is different and the considerations to be taken into account by the Local Planning Authority when assessing the acceptability of a planning application will vary depending upon the nature and scale of the proposal and the policies at play. 
The Clayewater Planning Group is experienced in the formulation and submission of planning applications for all types of development for a host of clients. Our involvement begins on day one with advice on the appropriate type of application to be submitted and direction of the planning application process, including bringing together a specialist project team when necessary to ensure that your application stands the best possible chance of success. 
Whilst the outcome of a planning application can never be guaranteed, you can rely on the quality of our experience and expertise to enhance your chances of securing approval. 


If you have submitted your own planning application, we can take over and monitor its progress, troubleshooting any issues as they arise. 


We can draft a speech to maximise your chances of success if your planning application has been called into Planning Committee. 


Examination of the reasons for refusal and formulation of an appropriate strategy to reverse the decision. 


If you have been refused planning permission you are entitled to lodge an appeal against the Council’s decision, provided it is submitted within the prescribed timescale. Clayewater Planning Group has the expert knowledge and experience to evaluate the Council's reasons for refusal, and to outline the likely prospect of success at appeal. If it is determined that an appeal is worthwhile, Clayewater Planning Group can present a sound and reasoned planning argument in favour of your proposal, clearly addressing each of the Council's reasons for refusal. We will prepare the forms and grounds of appeal, as well as monitoring the progress of the appeal. Where relevant we will also act as an expert witness at Public Inquiry or Hearing. 


The system of Lawful Development Certificates enables an applicant to apply to their Local Authority for a certificate saying that an existing use or development is lawful. They can also be used if an applicant wishes to have confirmed that a proposed use or development would be lawful. 
In both cases the onus is on the applicant to demonstrate their case, which is where Clayewater Planning Group can assist. We can guide you on the process and prepare a detailed statement drawing the Council’s attention to the key facts that support the case. 


We can offer advice and guidance to third parties that may be affected by development proposed by others. If appropriate, based on an assessment of all material planning considerations, we can make appropriate representations on behalf of third parties to a Local Planning Authority (or the Planning Inspectorate in the case of an appeal). 
Clayewater Planning Group has successfully influenced the outcome of other’s proposals on a number of occasions. 


If your Local Planning Authority is of the opinion that you have undertaken development without having first obtained the necessary planning consents and it is unlikely that permission would be granted in the event that you submitted a retrospective application, you may be served an Enforcement Notice requiring you to undertake certain tasks in order to regularise the situation within a specified time scale. 
If you have recently received an Enforcement Notice, you should contact Clayewater Planning Group at the earliest opportunity to seek our professional advice as to the most appropriate way forward. You should not ignore the requirements set out in an Enforcement Notice and the sooner you contact us, the sooner we can begin to put things right. 
We can liaise with the Council on your behalf and we have substantial experience of enforcement notice appeals and will do all that we can to resolve the situation on your behalf. Depending on the outcome of the Enforcement issue, an appeal or submission of a retrospective planning application may be necessary. 


As part of a Local Authority’s preparation of their Local Development Framework, they must identify suitable land for future development. As part of this process the Council will seek the identification of land by local landowners and businesses. Clayewater Planning Group can assist landowners in making representations to the Local Authority with the aim of having that land allocated within the resultant Development Plan Document. If you have a parcel of land that you wish to promote for future development, contact the Clayewater Planning Group for further advice. 


Understanding and utilising consultation with community groups and the wider public is not just about fulfilling statutory requirements. It can also ensure planning proposals are more likely to receive support and ultimately secure a realistic planning permission or allocation by dealing with misconceptions and reaching consensus. 
The Clayewater Planning Group is able to organise effective public consultation events in accordance with statutory requirements or in order to comply with the requirements of planning policy. 


Part-time short term contracts working for Local Planning Authorities within a reasonable distance of Bideford (Devon, Somerset, Cornwall). We have experience of working at a senior level in Development Management and Local Plans teams. 


It is often the role of the planning consultant to project manage the planning application process, particularly with major applications. The planning consultant co-ordinates all of the various supporting statements and is usually best placed to pull everything together in an overarching Planning Statement, which addresses the planning policies of relevance. We work closely with a number of different consultants, including transport planners, architects, ecologists and drainage engineers, and are well placed to assemble project teams and in turn manage and co-ordinate their inputs.